NOUNS Shortcut Rule 1 :
The following words are uncountable and are normally used in the singular form only.
The indefinite article "A or An" Should not be used with them. They have no plural forms. 'A/An' not used before them. Ex : Luggage / Baggage / Breakage / Advice / Furniture / Information / Scenery / Poetry / Work / Soap / Food / Bread / Fish / Paper / Machinery etc. The Sceneries of Kashmir is very beautiful. ☓
The Scenery of Kashmir is very beautiful. ✔
I know that he has many informations. ☓
I know that he has much information / a lot of information. ✔
They gave me a good advice. ☓ The gave me a piece of good advice. ✔
I want a Soap/Bread. ☓
Cattle / People / Police / Electorate / Poultry / Trousers / Scissors / Spectacles / Binoculars / Crackers / Swine / Gentry /Clergy. All these are used with plural form of verbs.
The police is coming towards us now. ☓
The police are coming towards us now. ✔
The scissor is very sharp. ☓
The scissors are very sharp. ✔
Shortcut Rule : Add 'S' to the main word in compound noun to make it plural. Sister-in-Law, the plural form is Sisters-in-Law, not Sisterin-Laws Brother-in- Law, the plural form is Brothers-in-law, not Brothers-in- Laws I want a piece of Soap/Bread. ✔
RULE:The words such as "News / Maths / Ethics / Politics / Phonetics / Economics / Statistics / Measles / Mumps / Rickets / Billiards / Innings" look like plural nouns but give singular meaning. So, they take singular form of verbs. Mathematics is a difficult subject. ✔ But say "His Mathematics are very weak". ✔ Rule : When Preceded by a possessive adjective, the noun takes a plural verb Billiards are an interesting game. ☓ Billiards is an interesting game. ✔ The news are not reliable. ☓ The news is not reliable. ✔
Shortcut Rule : Some Nouns have the same form whether singular or plural. Ex : Sheep / Deer / Service / Series / Species /Fish / Apparatus. He saw two sheeps in the zoo. ☓ He saw two sheep in the zoo ✔ A series of lectures are to be delivered tomorrow. ×
A series of lectures is to be delivered tomorrow. ✔
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