Monday, 21 September 2015

Vocabulary Season for SSC/Bank

Some Vocab from "The Hindu" -1

feigns (false,झूठा)
dearth (shortage,कमी)
akin (similar,के समान)
empirical (experiential,अनुभवजन्य)
milieu (environment,वातावरण)
hierarchical (classified,वर्गीकृत)
moniker (nickname,उपनाम)
fierce (violent,उग्र)
bolster (support,सहारा देना)
requisite (necessary,आवश्यक)
rigid (strict,सख्त)
pivotal (crucial,निर्णायक)
menace (threat,खतरा)
precarious (unsafe,असुरक्षित)
yield (return,देना)
stifling (uneasy,दमघोटू)
mitigate (lessen,कम करना)
torrent (flood,बहुतायत)
stellar (major,मुख्य)
abandoning (leave,छोड़ना)
mutiny (rebellion,बगावत)
enormous (many,बहुत)
consequences (result,परिणाम)
exacerbated (worsen,बुरी)
espoused (follow,समर्थन)
annihilate (wipe out,मिटा देना)
espoused (follow,समर्थन)
vulnerable (weak,कमजोर)
ample (big,abundant,काफी)
congruence (suitable,सामजंस्य
obviating (ignore,टालना)
earmarked (reserve,अलग रखना)
feasible (possible,संभव)
adequately (enough,पर्याप्तता)
crescendo (increase at high,चरम सीमा)
combat (battle,लड़ाई)
albeit (even though,यद्यपि)
heresy (unorthodoxy,अप्रामाणिकता)
bellicose (battleful,combating,लड़ाकू)
vigorous (energetic,सशक्त)
discrimination (unfair treatment,भेदभाव)
heinous (wicked,जघन्य)
ramshackle (damaged,जर्जर)
absurd (illogical,बेतुके)
consequences (result,परिणाम)
scrutiny (examine,जाँच)
reluctant (unwilling,अनिच्छुक)
confiscation (seized,जब्ती)
stashed (hidden,छुपा हुआ)
conceivable (imaginable,कल्पनीय)
dire (terrible,भीषण)
clamour (loud demand,जोरदार माँग)
redundant (unnecessary,अनावश्यक)
rigid (strict,सख्त)

dribs and drabs (in installment,किश्तों में)
chaos (disorderly,अव्यवस्था)
tantalisingly (in a tempting manner,ललचाने वाले अंदाज़ में)
scepticism (doubtful,संशयवाद)
vigorous (energetic,सशक्त)
discrimination (unfair treatment,भेदभाव)
heinous (wicked,जघन्य)
ramshackle (damaged,जर्जर)
absurd (illogical,बेतुके)
consequences (result,परिणाम)
abandon (leave,त्यागना)
doldrums (state of inactivity,मंदी)
benign (kind,दयालु)
reverberated (resound,गूँजना)
vow (promise,वादा)
egregious (worse,ख़राब)
incendiary (inflammatory,उत्तेजक)
giants (big,विशाल)
vulnerability (weakness,कमज़ोरी)
per_se (as such,अपने आप में)
en_masse (all together,एकसाथ)
vengeance (payback,बदला)
rescinding (cancel officially,रद्द करना)
saddled (burdened,लादना)
reinforced (strengthen,मजबूत)
pervasive (spreading,व्यापक)
abiding (permanent,स्थायी)
albeit (even though,यद्यपि)
ostensible (apparent,प्रत्यक्ष)
Resentment (anger,नाराज़गी)
reinforced (strengthen,मजबूत)
dusted_off (restart,फिर से शुरू करना)
reinforcing (strengthen,मजबूत)
consequence (result,परिणाम)
hinge_on (depend on,निर्भर करना)
scrutiny (examine,जाँच)
contemplate (study,observe,विचार करना)
furtherance (encouragement,प्रोत्साहन)
akin (similar,के समान)
omitting (leave out,हटाना)
बीमार होकर चारपाई पकड़ लेना ] be ill in bed.
Back slide[नैतिक पतन होना ]fall back in morals [CPO 09-11]
Back the wrong horse[गलत चुनाव करना]make a wrong choice.
Back bite[पीठ पीछे बुराई करना] unwillingly.
Bottom of the beg[आखिरी उपाय] the last option
Beg of bones[दुबला पतला आदमी] a lean and thin person.
Bare one's heart[अपने दिल की बात कहना]express feelings.
Bring to bay[शत्रु को घेर लेना]surround the enemy.
Bear away the palm[विजयी होना]to win.
Bear garden[कोलाहल का स्थान]a place of tumult.
Be at one's beads[पूजा पाठ करना] to worship.
Beat about the bush[इधर उधर की बातें करना] pointless talk.
Bear the bell[प्रथम स्थान लेना]get first position.
Bed of roses[फूलों की सेज]comfortable situation.
Bed of thorns[कांटो का बिस्तर]uncomfortable situation.
Below breath[दबी जुबान से]in a low voice.
Bend over backwards[पूरा प्रयास करना]exert oneself to the utmost.
Between two stools[दुविधा में] confused/uncertain
Bargain on[भरोसा करना] rely on
Bear away the palm[विजय प्राप्त करना]gain laurels
By the skin of the teeth[अल्पतम/बहुत कम अंतर से]narrowly . [SSC data-operator]
Beat the air[बेकार की कोशिश करना] do useless effort
Bite the dust[हार जाना] to be defeated.
Brush aside[उपेक्षा करना] ignore.
Blow one's trumpet[अपनी तूती अपने आप बजानाt] self praise
By hook or by crook [ किसी भी तरीके से/साम दाम दंड भेद निति से] at any cost /by fair or unfair mean.
Please Share.
[17/09 6:45 AM] ‪+91 97199 36303‬: Cats and dogs[मुशलाधार बारिश] rain heavily.
Call a spade a spade[स्पष्ट बात कहना] speak plainly [ SSC many times ]
Cat and dog life[कलह पूर्ण जीवन] quarrelsome life
Carrot and stick[प्रलोभन और दण्ड] reward and punishment [SSC many times ]
Call names [अपशब्द कहना] insult somebody
Carry the day[विजय प्राप्त करना] to win
Cake walk [सरल कार्य/नीग्रो का एक नृत्य] a negro dance / something done easily.
Capital punishment [मृत्यु दण्ड] death punishment.
Cap-a-pie[सर से पांव तक] from head to foot
Carrot conviction[विश्वाश जमाना] estblish confidence [SSC 2010]
Cat's paw [मोहरा / किसी के हाथों की कठपुतली ] go by somebody's fingures
Carry matter with a high hand[सख्त कदम उठाना/सख्ती करना] take a strong step/decession
Cast pearls before swine[भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना/बन्दर क्या जाने अदरक का स्वाद] offer a valuable thing to an undeserving person. [SSC/CPO many times]
Cheek by jawl [घनिष्ट] close together [SCRA 2009]
Chew out [डांटना] scold. [DP-SI]

Chop at [घूसा मारना] punch

Hobson's choice[भागते भूत का लंगोटा//जो मिल रहा है उसे ही स्वीकार करना] to take what is offered or nothing CDS-09/RBI-2010
Clip the wings[पर काट देना/लगाम लगाना] prevent somebody from doing something
Close shave[बाल बाल बचना] a narrow escape.
Cock and bull [अविश्वश्नीय/मूर्खतापूर्ण/बे सिर पांव की बात]improbable/absurd.
Come to a standstill[पूरी तरह से रुक जाना] come to a stop.
Cast one's bread upon the waters [नेकी कर और भूल जा] do good without expecting in return
Catch a tarter[संकट मोल लेना] deal with a trouble
Change one's tune[अपने व्यवहार में परिवर्तन लाना] change mind/attitude
Cheating cock[ठग/धोकेबाज़] a person who cheats.
Cast a chill over[उदासी फैलाना] spread sadness
Cock and bull story[अविश्वश्नीय कहानी] incredible story
Cock nose [नाक भोंह चढ़ाना] grumble
Slip a cog[भयंकर भूल ] to commit a blunder
Carry coals to Newcastle [उल्टे बांस बरेली को ] to take goods to a place where they are in plenty.
Cold fish [मानवताहीन आदमी] person lacking in sympathy & feelings
Cold comfort [न के बराबर आराम/चैन] slight comfort [SSC 2010]
Come to a pretty pass[चक्रव्यूह में फंसना] to be in conspiracy
Come to a bad end[बेकार हो जाना] to be useless
Cream of the crop[सबसे बढ़िया/सर्वोतम] the best SCRA/CPO
Cock of the walk[किसी समुदाय का मुखिया]chief / leader
Cloven hoof[बुरी नीयत] evil intention
Chapter and verse [[पुर्णतः] in full detail
Come in handy[उपयुक्त होना]

CANDID- straight forward fellow - स्पष्टवादी या निष्कपट

SLY MAN- Very deceptive fellow -कपटी या धूर्त
AMIABLE- Friendly wise fellow -मित्रवत व्यवहार वाला

ELOQUENT- very frequently in speaking wise fellow -वाक्पटु बहुत बोलने वाला
INNATE- Inborn or Inbuilt Nature wise fellow- सहज जन्मजात से

Thank you !!


  1. great effort.....keep it up and please upload vocab daily

  2. Great job sir please upload daily vocab

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